Yes, I know that it has been forever!!!! since I've blogged (according to some), but really, nothing that exciting had happened. Yes, some Nebraska cousins came up. Yes, they brought my grandparents their very first computer (which they call us for help for difficult tasks like turning it on). Yes, we got a new computer game that means that Dad, Sarah, and the boys are always playing so no one else can get a turn (if I could get on the regular computer instead of on Dads business computer, I could post some pictures). Yes, I finally broke the batting stick (yay me!). But as I said, nothing really interesting. Until this morning.
We got snow. Ok, maybe that doesn't sound interesting to some of you, but I WAS FINALLY STARTING TO SEE GREEN!!!!!!!!!! We should have had a 2 hour delay, but we are already going late at the end of school. I was going slow. Maybe about 30. I started fish tailing. I went in the other lane. I tried to get back in my lane. I went into the ditch. No this ditch wasn't a shallow city ditch. This was a deep steep ditch. When the car came to a stop, our nose was in the dirt. The person behind us stopped. My sister Sarah who was behind them stopped. I used a cell phone to call my dad to get the car out. The person behind us was related to us somehow and volunteered to take James and Michael to school. Sarah stayed with me until Dad got there (which was forever). It turned out that Dad decided that it would be a bad idea to try to pull it out so he drove it out. Looking at the car, I hadn't thought that that was possible. The car was ok.
But what really surprised me were the number of people who stopped to see if we were ok and if we needed help. Ok, so most of them were relatives, but not all. When I got to school, everyone knew. I walked into my 1st hour class (4 minutes late) and they had heard. It was weird.
But what really made my day was that in science class, my teacher lit a firecracker and through it into an adjourning room. It was hilarious.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
Tour Two
After that, a on Saturday, Sarah took me to
Dordt College. It is here job to look after the animals there while they are on Easter Break. On the way there, I took the picture of the Eagle feasting on the pig carcass. It looks like a random pictu
re of landscape, but if you zoom in on it, you can see the bald eagle. We actually have a lot of bald eagles around here. Charity actually had one glide up by here car on the way to school. She actually had to slow down so she didn't hit it. But at Dordt, there was a black s
nake. I was actually very scared of it, but I touched it! There were also 7 grey mice there. Over the break Sarah will have to feed them to the snake. The mice are actually very cute! There were also around 3 frogs there too. They were very very gross but I got a cool picture. They liked to hide under the rocks so they looked like the witch in Oz (squished by the
house). There were 2 tanks of fresh water fish and 2 tanks of salt water fish. There was another snake too but we didn't pick him up because apparently he's mean. In that room there were jars of really really gross things like octopus tentacles, spiders, crabs, and other gross things. Have you realized that things look 10X as gross when they are in jars? Well, I hope that satisfies your need for me to blog!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Coach VR: would you like to change?
Me: Ummm... no?
Me: (I've been pitching in the barn all winter. You can pitch in shorts but you wont be pitching in shorts more than once) Ummm... yes?
Then, coming back, it was like a blizzard. Instead of going 55 mph, we were going 25. In some parts, you had to stop until you could see the road again.
In speech, we are done with our story telling unit. I read The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig. Now we are doing a persuasion speech. This is a picture of a random guy that I drew. My birthday is on Tuesday!!!!!
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