In case you are wondering, the girl in the blue poodle skirt is my cousin Randi. On the last day of VBS (Friday) they always put on a "skit." I was actually going to post this two days ago with this video, but the page froze up. I also tried to load it as a picture so it took forever.
On Monday, we went to Sioux Falls. On the way home, we got a TON of fireworks. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! We were joking that we would crash and all the fireworks would go off. It was kind of funny, were we got them (South Dakota) it is illegal for people from SD to buy them, even though it is legal for them to shoot them off. People from out of state (say Iowa) could buy them, but it is illegal for us to shoot some of them off.
I have a tournament this weekend. I will have to leave home at 11. Not fun. Coach says that I will pitch some of the games. It has been fairly hot lately so it probably wont be fun. It has been like 80 degrees out, so actually not that hot but before, it was really cold lately, sweatshirt weather, so it seems really hot.
A couple days ago, I had to mow part of the lawn and it was really really high. I want to say about 3' high but I'm really bad at judging heights/distances so family feel free to correct me. The lawn mower kept getting clogged. The garden, we actually planted it all this year and let me tell you, I HATE WEEDING!!!!!!!!!! I'm all for buying sweet corn next year and beans and peas and radishes, and potatoes, and pumpkins, and watermelon, and whatever else we have in there.
Hmmmm. Not much else to say. Mitch, come over sometime and take one of our splotchy kittens or one of the black kittens. I can't think of anything to to say. This video is taking FOREVER to process. Here are some pictures of us at VBS and Mitch at the Rascal Flatts concert. The absolutely cute kitten is my kitten Hector named after the guy in Troy.