Thursday, July 19, 2012

Iowa Blues

No, I am not sick of Iowa.  What this post is about is our 25 new Iowa Blue Chickens that arrived by mail today.  The place we got them from originally didn't have any available at the moment.  We got a call Monday saying that the place did have some available but we had to call by Tuesday noon.  We called Tuesday morning, they were shipped Wednesday and they arrived today (Thursday).  They were shipped from Texas.  What also makes this interesting is that they all arrived alive which isn't necessarily the norm.  We got a call around 7:10 am to come pick them up from the post office.  When we got there we noticed a sign saying that they didn't open until 8:30.  We knocked on the door to their backroom anyway and were quickly answered.  It might have been because the postal workers didn't want to listen to their shrill cheeping for another hour.  Anyway, they are home now and hopefully they will continue to survive.