Saturday, June 30, 2007


As you guessed, we won both our JV and varsity games last night. For both we came back from behind to win. For JV, I played 1st and then came in to pitch for the last 2 innings. We had bases loaded, and we got 3 outs w/o them scoring any runs! For varsity I just pinched hit for Hannah when there were 2 outs. I got on and eventually got in.
Sarah babysat my Aunt Sarah's kids so they were at my game so she could go golf w/ her husband. Charity babysat another of my cousins. I actually have a sort of free day to day! I do have a Vander Lugt reunion today and the some more of my aunt and uncle are comming down from Michigan and they are also taking my cousin. My cousin got married and now lives in Canada and her husband and kid. I haven't seen them since their wedding and have never seen their kid.

Thursday, June 28, 2007


Today I babysat 4 young boy cousins. It actually went fine. The best thing was on the way there, my aunt Sarah hit a large bird. There was actually a little streak like when you hit a bug except larger. My uncle Al had to have surgery on something and it was his mom's (my grandmother's) 81st birthday. I'll visit him tomorrow.

In practice the coach was trying to fix my batting style just because it is different than what he is used to. I actually am the only one who connects with the ball on a regular basis.

The pictures are my cousin Mitchell (aka the red-headed stranger), and me pitching at Heartly. He came to see my game.


For those who don't know, my new high school is about as big as one of my elementary schools. I did get done signing up for classes and I know what my day will be like. Unfortunately, they don't offer German, high school or college. 3 years down the drain. Since they don't have much in extra-cirricular activities, my dad talked me into taking Spanish 1. I needed a full schedule and right now, I have 1 study hall each semester. The weird thing is, even when they have a class full year, it could be at a different hour. I miss Memorial. My English teacher apparently had dad her first year teaching and also my uncle Greg. Greg never turned in an assignment. I wounder if she will connect our last names together. They also have a tradition that they paddle all freshmen. LUCKILY I'll be a juniour.
I babysat for my aunt and all they wanted was Snow Cones. Since it was just after breakfest I said no but they still complained. Today I also babysit 1-2 of the same kids and 2 more of my cousins. I also have practice.
We lost yesterday's game. It wasn't my best pitching ever. It was sand on the pitchers mound so I sank every time I pitched. Thank you Mitch for comming to my game any ways. Withour further ado, my schedule...
1st semester:
Western Civ- since I fullfill all their history requirements with AP US and AP Euro, I'm taking this the college just across the street. Luckly it's only every Monday, Wednessday, and Friday. The other days, I can come late to school! They don't have AP but they offer college courses at school and at the college so NO AP TEST!!!
American Lit- English
Home Room- about 15 minutes were they can pass stuff like year books out
Computer Applications- required
Ceramics- I think it's like pottery class
Study Hall- which is in the 'new commons' a big empty space\
Phys Ed- required all years
Algebra 2

2nd semester:
spch & writing- english
Computer App
Study Hall- last 3 things I'll have with the same teacher
General Bus.
Drawing 1- I needed something to fill my schedule. They have nothing! I so wanted Ancient & Medievel History:(
Psychology- Senior year I can take the college Psychology wich I wanted to do in Memorial
Algebra 2

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Hey Y'all!
I get to sign up for my classes later today. Yesterday we had a game and JV won!! I hit a double and 2 singles. I also pitched. Varsity didn't do to well. I was the only one who hit it out of the infield. More later!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Hey Softball Fans!!

I just got done w/ a varsity tournament. The first people we played on Saturday 12 run ruled us in the 3rd inning. The second game I really don't remember other than it was hot and I got to pitch the last inning. It went really well. Today, we played at 11 am. I had to get up at 7 because we were meeting at 8 and that's hard in summer. We lost but I got to pitch the last inning again. That went pretty well. I also had a really nice hit that was caught by the center fielder. The person on 3rd should have tagged up and scored, but didn't. The second game, Maci, our main pitcher got cleated. She was tagging someone at home. So I got to pitch 1 inning and then Rylee, our other pitcher went in. They were hitting me fairly well because I didn't get any warm up and my pitches weren't as varried as they should have been. Well that's all for now!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

My first attempt at blogging

Hello everybody. I'm trying this newfangled thing that will never really catch on... like the wheel. My day has been typical. I woke up, helped my brothers name their new kittens, returned one of their kittens, and then went to softball practice. We did infield and for how many errors, we divided it by 4, and that was the amount of times we had to run around the bases. We then watched a movie on how to bat. I love my kittens. Michael's new (smaller) kitten is named Boots. I miss Wisconsin and the library, and the resturants, and my friends (sorry about being 3rd), even my school, and tap water.