Thursday, June 28, 2007


Today I babysat 4 young boy cousins. It actually went fine. The best thing was on the way there, my aunt Sarah hit a large bird. There was actually a little streak like when you hit a bug except larger. My uncle Al had to have surgery on something and it was his mom's (my grandmother's) 81st birthday. I'll visit him tomorrow.

In practice the coach was trying to fix my batting style just because it is different than what he is used to. I actually am the only one who connects with the ball on a regular basis.

The pictures are my cousin Mitchell (aka the red-headed stranger), and me pitching at Heartly. He came to see my game.


Sarah said...

What! No picture of the bird streak?

Becka said...

I didn't have a camera w/ me. Sorry.

Lisabeth said...

I liked the pictures. We leave for Michigan tomorrow! Whee!! Paula and I plan on listening to the Newsies soundtrack AAAALLL the way there! Hahaha...
Miss you lots,

P said...

i really really miss you!we are leaving for MICHIGAN!! yay! i really hope you can come up once softball is over! when would that be?

Hanna said...

you hit a bird? sad! and gross. i like your pictures. and, pathetically, i don't know any Norwegian, even though i had my Norwegian speaking cousin living with me the entire year
Hanna the fabulous

Itchellmeh said...

i love that picture of the beautiful red-head! he must be the coolest to hang out with

Hannah said...

It was fun seeing your game tonight. Your dad was keeping a batting average of the game as you went and for a while it was at .500 and even I know that is pretty good. So whatever style you have, you are right that it is working! Great job!