I know you all were planning on this and canceling things so you can come, but it wouldn't work out this week. My grandpa just died this morning. On Sunday, we're having a family thing so we wouldn't be able to take you back. Also, I don't think you'd have much fun right now. I would still love to see you sometime. Maybe a different time?
Ok, we'll plan on another weekend. I'm sorry about your grandpa. Just ignore the email I sent you.
that's alright, we understand. we can always come down another time :D
Let us know what weekends coming up work for you!
Pretty much any weekend but this weekend works for me.
Ok, what about Megan and Hanna? Let me know! We are definitely coming down sometime soon!
i'm really sorry about your grandpa, we're all thinking about you right now!! we'll come up a different weekend.
as of right now, it looks like none until after christmas...i will see if i can ask off for nov 16-18 but i don't know if i can
you can always go with out me though :(
we have a drive time on the 17 of nov, so that weekend doesn't work, and we can't reschedule it again. maybe after christmas
yep after christmas then
or, becka you could come up here, we could meet you halfway and you could stay with one of us and that would be fun too!!
YEAH! Would that work out sometime?
don't worry about things. another weekend will be fine. i'm sorry about your grandpa
Thank you. If it is after Christmas, which is ok, we would want to wait until the weather is nice so we're not driving in snow or ice. Just something to think about.
Yeah, that's a good idea. You're welcome to stay with us if you want to come here, too!
you should come stay with us, then we'll come visit you after christmas...it would be REALLY fun!!
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