Saturday, April 19, 2008

blogging just to blog

So, I haven't blogged in a while so I figured that I should say something. Yesterday, for General Business, I had my mock interview. I had to dress up and interview with the superintendent, Mr. O'Donnel. It went ok, but I never want to do that again. On a different note, for Orchestra, I haven't been there in 5 weeks. Last week was the ACT, the week before that, we were at the Hole 'n the Wall, then you were down for the week before that, and before that, we had 2 weeks vacation. Our concert is next weekend. AHHHH!!!!
Sarah and Charity are tilling the huge garden. Dad's doing something or other. Mike is watching a movie, and James is on the computer that has all the pictures on it. Mom's in Sioux Falls working. James and Mike are also sick.
On Thursday, we had the Gate's Test which is reading/comprehension. It was really really easy. It had words on it like facade, words we had in our spelling book that Mrs. Bleeker tests us on. But not anything really interesting going on.


Charity said...

James is just claiming to be sick. I'd say the same about Mike, but the doctor said he has strep.

Charity said...

Also, there is nothing wrong with blogging just to blog. You start out with nothing to say and it morphs into something interesting. Sometimes.

Lisabeth said...

We miss you! Check your email, 'cause I emailed you.

P said...

good luck at your concert!!! i would hate to do a mock interview, or any interview at all for that matter. miss you lots!

Becka said...

I checked, I didn't see anything so I'll check again later.

Becka said...

It is really foggy down here. It's like a white out. You can barely see past the trees! (about 100 yards) and that's NOT VERY FAR!

Becka said...

Hudini just had 2 kittens. One is dead. The other one is living, but Hudini wont care for her. So we're doing what dad recomended and are sticking both of them in the rabbit carry case, hoping that the kitten will feed.

Itchellmeh said...

fun! kittens! i had the gates test too, and i think i aced them (8th grades pretty easy). I know Mr. Odonnel pretty well 'cause he's my old basketball coach, and he is one of my friends' dad:) I think he's cool, but I've known him for a while.

Lisabeth said...

Sad about the dead kitten. I hope the other one lives! :) Miss you tons.

Megan said...

poor kitten. hopefully the other one will live.

P said...

yeah, that's really sad.

Becka said...

Oh, this morning, she had another kitten and is caring for both

Megan said...

aren't they like two days apart then? that must have been a loooonnnnnggggg labor.

Lisabeth said...

Wow! Post pics! I love kittens. :)

P said...

yay kittens!! i miss you becka!