Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A lot of Stuff

Ok, so I haven't blogged in a while. Softball is right after school and after that, I don't feel like doing anying. But yesterday, I only had to be there for finals, 1st and 9th. 9th was Math and on friday, I missed the fist half of the final so I had to take the first half after 1st. 1st was English. EASY. 60 vocab matching. I'm fairly sure I got them all right. So the class periods that I didn't have tests, I could go home.

Here are some of my art pictures. I like the hands and Tigers the best. The Tigers look slightly odd because the picture that I took of it is at an odd angle. I have so many pictures of things that I need to post. This could take a while. We had to use oil pastels for the fruit. We had to take colored construction paper, do each fruit individually, then cut them out and paste them to a seperate paper. The pinapple and bannana's were the worst to do. It's hard to draw bannana's when they are facing you.

When mowing, my dad found two baby bunnies. The next picture is of them in my dad's glasses. We named them Flopsy and Mopsy. After a couple minutes we let them go though. They are very cute though.

We also went to the Tulip Festival in Orange City. Very cool! Make sure you chech out the video below. That took forever to upload. But everyone was dressed up. Okay, this is a very long post, so I'll post multiple pictures of the Tulip Festival in my next one. Sorry that I haven't blogged in a while. Blame Softball. I'll try better. Good luck Paula in your new job.

Clogs on Parade

Here is a clip of the Tulip Festival. It goes to the ground twice for which I apologize. The first time I thought I had turned off the camera, but I didn't push it hard enough. The second time, again I wanted to shut it off again, but it didn't go off right away so you get another shot of the ground. But the sound that the clogs make when marching are really cool. You can't hear the clogs very well until the middle of their band. You will notice that the uniforms do not match. That is because it is two different bands marching together.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

8 and 1/2 Days of School left!

So, softbal has started. My first game is next week monday. Today we had a scrimage. I got on base and ran to second. The catcher threw the ball, I was about 10 ft from 2nd base. The second baseman laid her glove right before the base, so if I slid, I would run right into in and be out. So I staid up and went over her and touched second base. She never touched me. Coach called me out because I ddin't slide! I would have been out if I did and this way I was safe! That call bugged me so much!!!!
Playing softball, I have decided to not take lessons (violin/viola/cello) until softball is over. I don't have time to. I do have a picture of my cello in my case, but I am on the other computer that doesn't have the pictures on. I also got my artwork back and I have a really nice picture of some tigers that I will have to take a picture and post it on.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

So, we meet again

Softball. Ugh. Sorry I haven't check/posted/commented on our blogs in a long time. Softball started on Monday. We ran. And ran. And ran. We had drills which consisted in running this way and that as fast as you can. 2 and 1/2 hours. And in the morning, I had to go to school early b/c I have a project in Computer Application (a slide show w/ a partner on Queen Elizabeth I). We have to present soon...
On a happy note, LESS THAN 3 WEEKS LEFT IN SCHOOL!!!!!!!! Next week all the seniors graduate! Ha! No more of them in the hallways!!! Of course, that means my lab partner will leave... One of our cats has 4 kittens who's eyes are open and they can walk. Another cat has 2 kittens w/ eyes open and can walk. And another cat just had 5 kittens. One of them is white!!!! And I think my cat will have kittens sometime in the nearby future.
Mom and Dad are working in the Garden. Charity has a job at Wal-Mart. We are for sure getting a Japanese student and are trying to think of what to do w/ her (hopefully not him).

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Toto, I don't think we're in Wisconsin anymore!

So, today I had softball pitching practice. Supposedly. On the way there, there was a tornado watch (meaning touched down) in Viborg. I was the only one who had heard it. Coach decided that we were going to have practice anyway. Then a siren went off. Brooke (our catcher) asked if that was the 6 o'clock whistle. Since it was 7, I said no! Coach decided that we would have practice at his house. On the 3 blocks to his house, we saw 2 tornadoes! They looked like walls of smoke. Coach canceled practice and confined us to his house. While there, we saw another tornado form. There was another tornado at Rockvalley (6 miles away from our house). Charity was home alone (mom, sarah and boys at tae kwando, dad at a field a couple counties away) and saw a tornado 1/2 mile south, then went north 1/4 mile west of us. It went right through the Horsemens (our neighbors to the west of us). Grandma called and said that Mitch's electricity went out and the Horsemens. Ours are still on and we are in the middle of them.
Dad, when telling me that I could go home, said look out for electric lines on the ground. That is very scary driving home by yourself looking for tornadoes and electric lines! These are my first tornadoes here, and other than driving home, it was pretty cool.
Charity says that there are now tornadoes the north county and east county now, so we think we are ok for now.

We all live in a yellow submarine

So yesterday, I had to make subs for Jr RCYF. We all (about 30 of us) had to sell subs for a fundraiser for Rocky Mountain High. We had to sell a minimum of 7 dozen! I sold 20 dozen and someone sold more than me! Yesterday, after school, I went over to our chunch and made subs until 7:45. Many many many many subs. Then afterwards, I had to deliever all of them. The boys had their pinewood derby at church at the same time. I don't want to see a sub for a month!