Thursday, May 1, 2008

Toto, I don't think we're in Wisconsin anymore!

So, today I had softball pitching practice. Supposedly. On the way there, there was a tornado watch (meaning touched down) in Viborg. I was the only one who had heard it. Coach decided that we were going to have practice anyway. Then a siren went off. Brooke (our catcher) asked if that was the 6 o'clock whistle. Since it was 7, I said no! Coach decided that we would have practice at his house. On the 3 blocks to his house, we saw 2 tornadoes! They looked like walls of smoke. Coach canceled practice and confined us to his house. While there, we saw another tornado form. There was another tornado at Rockvalley (6 miles away from our house). Charity was home alone (mom, sarah and boys at tae kwando, dad at a field a couple counties away) and saw a tornado 1/2 mile south, then went north 1/4 mile west of us. It went right through the Horsemens (our neighbors to the west of us). Grandma called and said that Mitch's electricity went out and the Horsemens. Ours are still on and we are in the middle of them.
Dad, when telling me that I could go home, said look out for electric lines on the ground. That is very scary driving home by yourself looking for tornadoes and electric lines! These are my first tornadoes here, and other than driving home, it was pretty cool.
Charity says that there are now tornadoes the north county and east county now, so we think we are ok for now.


Becka said...

Ok, got a correction. We're not sure if the Horsemen's lost lights, but my aunt Debbie and uncle Mark lost their lights, they are on the same side as the Horsemen's, but farther down.

Hanna said...

ahhh scary! i hate tornadoes! they scare me a lot! i'm glad you are ok. I would have ran and hid in the nearest basement. The post-it note on my desk is really working, i look at my blog all the time now!

Becka said...

Yay for blogging! Apparently there were 7 in/by Sioux Center. 5 of which touched down. I'm not sure how many not by Sioux Center

Becka said...

On youtube go to tornado near Rock Valley IA 5/1/08 and will see one of the tornados. Not on the video, but Rock Valley had some damage and some farms did. (a couple barns are gone)

P said...

that is really scary!!! i hope everything is ok!! i miss you lots and tons!

Lisabeth said...

Wow, that sounds scary. I hate tornadoes! Don't worry, I will blog very soon. Probably by Monday.

Megan said...

scary tornados! im glad youre ok

Becka said...

I saw Iron Man yesterday! I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Lisabeth said...

What is it about? It looked pretty good on the previews but I don't know much about it.

Charity said...

The tornado was pretty cool! It is the first one I have seen up close.

Becka said...

Iron man is very hard to explain w/o giving anything away. But it was very funny!

Itchellmeh said...

Their name is actually spelled 'Horstman' Sorry, just thought you'd like to know:)

Sarah said...

No's Horseyman...
Anyway... I wish(kinda)that I saw a tornado too. That would have been cool.

Loren&Jolene said...

Nice job on your A.C.T.'s -Dad