Tuesday, August 19, 2008


SCHOOL STARTS TODAY!!!!!!!!!!! MY SCHEDULE IS TERRIFYING!!! Just so you know, I tried posting some pictures, by my stupid blog wouldn't post that blog! I will have to try again! (for coming down, my mom suggests over labor day weekend


P said...

AAAAAAAAAAAAAH. we're going to be in ohio over labor day weekend! argh! by the way that is the greatest picture of all of us ever!

Lisabeth said...

haha that's an awesome picure! :) awww we'll be out of town over labor day! :(

Megan said...

sad. we should try sometime this fall to get down there though, before it snows.

Lisabeth said...


P said...

heck yes! or maybe you could come up here becka!

Megan said...

i think that you should get a facebook next time we see you. that way we can more easily communicate. :P

P said...

yeah, what megan said!!