Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Going to Switzerland

Juliet statue in Verona, Italy
Market place

Traveling to Lucern Switzerland.

More pretty landscape.

The church.


Itchellmeh said...

Cool first picture. We just got done reading Romeo and Juliet in English class:)

Sarah said...


Becka said...

Yah, we saw the balcony too. If you wan't, I can post a picture of it, too

P said...

i miss europe. that was so much fun. i miss you too though. even more than europe. i hope we can see you soon.

Lisabeth said...

Yay! Lucerne was so pretty! :)

P said...

hey, whats up with you?? i really miss you! we just did orchestra elementary tours and it made me think of you. it was really fun. noah and i went down the slides at every single one. the meadowview one was all iced over so we went really fast!! i hope we get to see you soon!!

Becka said...

I miss you all too!!!! I miss orchestra tours!!!!

Becka said...

I hate winter!

Becka said...

I hate winter!