Thursday, August 8, 2013

Classes start soon.  Every time I think about it, I get a feeling of dread.  Not like something bad is going to happen, just like I am not ready for it.  My classes are stressful.  I feel like there is so much information and I cannot absorb it in time.  In one of my classes, I have two projects and three tests.  Each are worth 20% of the grade.  In another, I have to have an average of 75% on my tests before anything else is factored in.

The thing that worries me the most is finding my own patients and the competencies.  It's a lot to ask of someone to take time off of work, spend 4 hours, and then pay for it.  I have to find someone three times a week.  I know when I get into the thick of things, I will be fine.  It's just the waiting that is weighing me down.

I feel like I know nothing and am not ready to see patients.

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