Thursday, June 28, 2007


For those who don't know, my new high school is about as big as one of my elementary schools. I did get done signing up for classes and I know what my day will be like. Unfortunately, they don't offer German, high school or college. 3 years down the drain. Since they don't have much in extra-cirricular activities, my dad talked me into taking Spanish 1. I needed a full schedule and right now, I have 1 study hall each semester. The weird thing is, even when they have a class full year, it could be at a different hour. I miss Memorial. My English teacher apparently had dad her first year teaching and also my uncle Greg. Greg never turned in an assignment. I wounder if she will connect our last names together. They also have a tradition that they paddle all freshmen. LUCKILY I'll be a juniour.
I babysat for my aunt and all they wanted was Snow Cones. Since it was just after breakfest I said no but they still complained. Today I also babysit 1-2 of the same kids and 2 more of my cousins. I also have practice.
We lost yesterday's game. It wasn't my best pitching ever. It was sand on the pitchers mound so I sank every time I pitched. Thank you Mitch for comming to my game any ways. Withour further ado, my schedule...
1st semester:
Western Civ- since I fullfill all their history requirements with AP US and AP Euro, I'm taking this the college just across the street. Luckly it's only every Monday, Wednessday, and Friday. The other days, I can come late to school! They don't have AP but they offer college courses at school and at the college so NO AP TEST!!!
American Lit- English
Home Room- about 15 minutes were they can pass stuff like year books out
Computer Applications- required
Ceramics- I think it's like pottery class
Study Hall- which is in the 'new commons' a big empty space\
Phys Ed- required all years
Algebra 2

2nd semester:
spch & writing- english
Computer App
Study Hall- last 3 things I'll have with the same teacher
General Bus.
Drawing 1- I needed something to fill my schedule. They have nothing! I so wanted Ancient & Medievel History:(
Psychology- Senior year I can take the college Psychology wich I wanted to do in Memorial
Algebra 2


Becka said...

Hey Hanna,
I've visited your blog, but I can't find a way to publish comments:( If you figer out a way, please tell me.

Lisabeth said...

hey your classes sound really cool! you'll have to tell us how spanish sounds interesting.
love, Elisabeth

P said...

Hey, your schedule sounds fun and full! it is really sad about no german and no orchestra. are you going to keep on playing the viola and violin? are you going to take private lessons? well hope to hear from you soon

Charity said...

told you Dexter wasn't that bad! did you have Issac or Ethan? YOU THANKED MITCH FOR COMMING AND NOT ME?!?!?!?!?!

Becka said...

Im going to take violin lesson and play viola in the county orchestra. I really don't want Spanish, but it will look good at college and I needed to fill it up. Cherry, I'm going to ignore you considering I went to all of your softball games and you never thanked me.
love Becka

Sarah said...

Now we can talk in spanish to eachother:)

Lisabeth said...

I liked your new picture! Was that during a game?
Miss you,

Becka said...

Yes it was during a game. I figured since 'softball is my life' I should at least have 1 picture of me playing softball. I like the picture but I didn't like the game. I was pitching though sand which makes it hard to be accurate. The ump also wasn't calling most of my strikes strikes.

Hanna said...

hey becka, i think now comments can be added. it sucks that you cant take german, but at least you will be able to understand what i am saying in spanish :) and your school still has art classes, which is good. i miss you lots and tons