I helped shingle the pastors house. Actually, most of it was done yesterday. I didn't do much,
except lay shingles were they were supposed to go.
Our cats love to climb the kitchen screen. I think thats Sweet Pea and Tiger, but I'm not sure.
Last night, I had a dream that I was in Memorial/South. The lunchroom and a big computer lab was upstairs but the rest was Memorial. I didn't know what class I had first and it was the first day of school. The first bell had just rung. The hallways were empty. I think I have anxieties about school starting. I'm not sure where my first class is (its in the college) or what time school starts/ends. I think I'll have to email someone at the school.
Our garden gave us our first corn (4.5 ears). We have 2 types of corn. The little corn was planted earlier so that's were we got some corn. Most of it's not ready yet. The bigger corn was planted later so their corn isn't at all ready.
Hey Beck,
Gregg and Janet both got blogs.
you should add them to your site.
please post your views of Harry Potter! Charity and I are both doing it. it would be nice if you did too.
Oh my gosh that's an awesome picture! :) I want a cat! We just got back from Ohio and our aunt and uncle have two of them. They are soo sweet. Ooh I just heard my mom say something about watermelon! Talk to you later!
PS We're not sure about the Rochester thing but we'll let you know when we know.
Hey if you have any, blog us some pics of your house/room! :) We'll have to blog you some of our trips this summer!
i like that quote about the aliens sucking you out of your car if you don't wear your seatbelt!! when you come back we will all watch newsies together.
ps i got my prom dress, i will send you pics. it was $20 at savers!!
Hey I got my hair cut! I have long bangs. I'll have to blog up some pictures to show you!
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