My sister asked me to blog more often so she knew what was happening at home. Well, not much. Sarah moved in with my Grandparents so she is close to school. She forgot her backpack so I had to bring it this morning. Tomorrow I will pick up Charity unless she emails otherwise.
Not much is really happening. Apparently my Aunt and Uncle walked over to our house (for those who live in Iowa it was Paul and Maria). When they left, they looked behind them and following them was a string of ducklings... wait, kittens. (They do that too when I am waiting for the bus). So Dad had to put out food so my relatives could make their escape.
School. I'm done outlining the car and am starting to ink it. I'm also done w/ my lizard and we're starting to make a slab 'mode of transportation.' Chemistry is still the class I despise the most. Bwahahahaha!!!!! School starts next week for you'all
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Saturday fun in the Sun
Well, maybe not. It was in the sun at least. 1st off, I had to go to the college to try out for the Youth Orchestra. My D string didn't like me for tuning. The people who told me which scales to play were wrong. They told me to play the violin scales. I hadn't practiced those. My solo went ok though. Same w/ sight reading. That was really easy because most of the kid in there will probably be a lot younger than me. I think I impressed the person.
Then I went home, changed, then went to my uncle Ross's. He's building a place for cattle. My dad was helping him dig holes for fence poles. I helped. Then I got home, ate, then I mowed the lawn. My mom had started w/ the push mower. Since the side of the lawn we were mowing is really really big (huge), doing it w/ a push mower is a pain. So I got my dad to wire on the muffler (remember Sarah broke it) so I could do it w/ the riding one. Then, when I was almost done, Sarah came home from work and mowed the rest for me.
On Friday, when I picked up Charity, I watched the 'Battle of the Classes.' It was a slime fest. Well actually, they had a big horse trough that they had to fill w/ slime. So they ran to the middle were there were 3 trough's for each grade, filled up there cups, then ran back. They could only use kids sand buckets that had holes in the bottom. Sophomores won and Freshmen came in second. Since my sister is a freshmen, I didn't stay for the rest.
Then I went home, changed, then went to my uncle Ross's. He's building a place for cattle. My dad was helping him dig holes for fence poles. I helped. Then I got home, ate, then I mowed the lawn. My mom had started w/ the push mower. Since the side of the lawn we were mowing is really really big (huge), doing it w/ a push mower is a pain. So I got my dad to wire on the muffler (remember Sarah broke it) so I could do it w/ the riding one. Then, when I was almost done, Sarah came home from work and mowed the rest for me.
On Friday, when I picked up Charity, I watched the 'Battle of the Classes.' It was a slime fest. Well actually, they had a big horse trough that they had to fill w/ slime. So they ran to the middle were there were 3 trough's for each grade, filled up there cups, then ran back. They could only use kids sand buckets that had holes in the bottom. Sophomores won and Freshmen came in second. Since my sister is a freshmen, I didn't stay for the rest.
Friday, August 24, 2007
School! School! Dreadful School!
Well, actually it isn't dreadful. My English class is awesome (she mixes history along with). My computer App. teacher is cool (even if I'm w/ froshies).
Today, I switched out of Algebra II. That's what I would have been in Memorial. But here, it was all stuff I'd done before. So, I went back to Geometry which I took last year. EXCEPT... this Geometry is more like Trig. So. Actually, I really like the class and teacher. but that meant I had to take Chemistry 9th instead of 8th. But that's ok. I like that class better.
Today in Chemistry my teacher was saying that when describing candles, we shouldn't use 'wax.' It could be made out of mothballs or other weird sounding things. The then set a candle on fire and ate it. It was a potato and almond. Cool.
For the first 4 periods and part of 5th, we took a test that is supposed to show our
aptitude.Everybody here is really nice. People (mainly girls) wil. come up to me and ask me how it's going, how I like the school, if I want to sit w/ them, etc. I don't know most of them. At lunch, if they see someone sitting alone, everyone at a table will get up and move to that person. I've seen that happen twice.
It's really cute how our cats follow us to the bus stop. The picture is of me on the swing goofing off. That is were I also sometimes wait for the bus. One bad thing is that the water here is terrible, especially in the school. At home we have to have a filter and it still tastes gross. I usually drink cool-aid or something from a bottle.
It's really cute how our cats follow us to the bus stop. The picture is of me on the swing goofing off. That is were I also sometimes wait for the bus. One bad thing is that the water here is terrible, especially in the school. At home we have to have a filter and it still tastes gross. I usually drink cool-aid or something from a bottle.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
First day of school
My school starts at 8. My bus comes at 7:30. I went to gym (Western Civ was full). My gym teacher seems fairly nice. Since we have a big 1st hour (30 students instead of the normal 10-15) he said that if we didn't like the unit we were doing, we could walk instead! Yeah! Next was American Lit. My dad had her. She, too, is really nice. We don't have a seating chart and she says that we wont read any books that she doesn't like (i.e. Moby Dick). Next is Home Room. About 15 minutes of reading. It's there technically for announcements or if someone needs to talk to you. Then I have Computer App. Same teacher as HR. He seems really cool but we had a Junior meeting so he didn't get to talk about the class. Ceramics is next (like pottery). We have 5 other girls in that class (no boys). Or first project is to make a clay reptile. It sounds like a lot of fun. Study Hall has 65 students in it and even more when choir joins us. In the middle of Study Hall, we have lunch. Hot lunch only has 1 option and the potatoes are terrible. I ate by someone who I think was named Amanda. She was nice. Then I went back for 20 more minutes of Study Hall. Then I went to design (art). We are going to draw old cars w/ ink. Chemistry looks horrible and I got homework in it. For my last class I have Algebra 2. It looks really easy. My teacher let us talk for the last 20 minutes because she didn't know when we got done. Count them. I have 9 classes (including HR and Study Hall)
I miss you all and I miss Memorial. I miss lunches and eating them w/ you all. I miss the variety of class options (i.e. German, Orchestra, Ancient & Medieval History). I MISS EAU CLAIRE!!!!!
I miss you all and I miss Memorial. I miss lunches and eating them w/ you all. I miss the variety of class options (i.e. German, Orchestra, Ancient & Medieval History). I MISS EAU CLAIRE!!!!!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
ARRRGGGHHH!!!! School starts tomorrow!!!!!!! enough said. I still need some school supplies. My dad says can't use our car unless I have something after school. My sister ran the lawn mower in to the ditch and it got stuck. We had to remove it with our Pickup. Our air conditioner isn't working. It's hot. I don't want to go to school. Have to go to school now!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Kits and Cats
Here is a picture of the bell chior that I told you about. He's pretending that his music stand was a type writer. It was actually very cool.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Bells and Canoes
On Friday, we (my my dad and my sister) went to the Glee Hand Bell Choir at the mall. Basically, they were from a Japan christian school that I think my church supports. It was
actually kind of cool. My favorite songs were the pink panther and the typewriter one. Since my sister took Japanese, we dragged her up to say hello. I was going to add a picture of them, but I can't get the picture link to work.
Yesterday we went river canoeing w/ some of my uncles and 4 of my cousins. It was fun. I rode w/ Sarah. That meant I could paddle or just sit there. I helped my cousin Dilan find clam shells. He also caught a minnow (who died) and a toad which he promptly named Dragon Slayer. My sister took this picture, I don't know why but I kind of liked it so I'll put it on.
Yesterday we went river canoeing w/ some of my uncles and 4 of my cousins. It was fun. I rode w/ Sarah. That meant I could paddle or just sit there. I helped my cousin Dilan find clam shells. He also caught a minnow (who died) and a toad which he promptly named Dragon Slayer. My sister took this picture, I don't know why but I kind of liked it so I'll put it on.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Harry Potter Question
Ok, my uncle Gregg just called me and had a question about the last HP book. I had no idea, so I decided to put it on here and see if anyone has any idea.
In the end of the book, Neville had the had and pulled out the sword of Griffindore. He then proceeded to kill Voldimort's snake. The question is, were did the sword come from? The last you saw it was w/ the goblin. Any ideas?
In the end of the book, Neville had the had and pulled out the sword of Griffindore. He then proceeded to kill Voldimort's snake. The question is, were did the sword come from? The last you saw it was w/ the goblin. Any ideas?
Monday, August 6, 2007
The Iowinian life
First thing that you need to know if you are planning to life in Iowa is that roads are a myth. A pleasant myth, but a myth the same. Most Iowinians swear that there are roads but for the months I've been here, I haven't seen the slightest sign of them. They have 3 types of things that they call roads. 1st, the gravel 'road.' This is made out of, (any guesses?) gravel. When you drive down the center of it and in small cars, you have a hard time getting any faster that 40 mph even though they say you can go 55. You also can fish tail When you meet someone on the side of the road, you have to go to your side. Meeting someone at the top of a hill can be dangerous and scary. Also, after going after a grater is something you want to avoid. 2nd, highways. They are narrow so if you are pulling something or someone else is, you have to be really careful. You have to also be really careful in regular cars. Last and not least, town roads. They, so far, are ok but I haven't seen them to much because of all the road construction.
The next thing you need know is that the weather is NOT a casual topic. You can be making small talk and accidentally mention the weather. If this happens, you are in for about 5-10 minutes of how it was, when you might get rain, how good the last rain was, etc.
Iowa is very small. Your neighbors are anyone in a 6 mile radius (or so they tell me). One day I would really like to meet 'they,' 'them,' and the like. Everybody knows each other. You mention your last name and they start playing what my dad calls Dutch bingo. "Your mom and dad are blank. Were the the mother and father in law to your cousins aunts grandchild other cousin." "Oh, me and your blank go way back..." "Is blank your mother, cousin, aunt, etc. (fill in necessary)" They also have a grape vine that I unfortunately haven't been able to infiltrate. It's amazing how the word gets around. My grandma will call me about someone I have never heard about. When I was playing softball, I would have people who I've never met before come up to me and say, "So your Becka right? I've heard your a really great pitcher! Call me if you ever need a catcher." It's weird.
The next thing you need know is that the weather is NOT a casual topic. You can be making small talk and accidentally mention the weather. If this happens, you are in for about 5-10 minutes of how it was, when you might get rain, how good the last rain was, etc.
Iowa is very small. Your neighbors are anyone in a 6 mile radius (or so they tell me). One day I would really like to meet 'they,' 'them,' and the like. Everybody knows each other. You mention your last name and they start playing what my dad calls Dutch bingo. "Your mom and dad are blank. Were the the mother and father in law to your cousins aunts grandchild other cousin." "Oh, me and your blank go way back..." "Is blank your mother, cousin, aunt, etc. (fill in necessary)" They also have a grape vine that I unfortunately haven't been able to infiltrate. It's amazing how the word gets around. My grandma will call me about someone I have never heard about. When I was playing softball, I would have people who I've never met before come up to me and say, "So your Becka right? I've heard your a really great pitcher! Call me if you ever need a catcher." It's weird.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Ice Skating
Apparently, were these people normally skate, there was a competition so they couldn't use the ice rink. Someone knew the person who owned the rink here. So they came and practiced here. Yesterday, they gave a free show. Except for the 2 new teams, they were all Medalists, Champions, etc. We had the 2007 Midwest Sectional Champions, 2007 Junior World Champions, 2007Midwestern Medalists, stuff like that. And of course, I forgot my camera. They were all really good. There was this one team w/ 2 little kids. I think they were either the Junior Nat'l finalists or the Midwestern Medalists. I forgot. But they were really cute. But I think my favorite was the team that skated to I'm a Barbie Girl. It was really funny.
Afterwords, I went to my Aunt and Uncles house. There we played the dictionary game. The word I picked for the others to define was Qua-hog. Any guesses? (no looking it up)
Afterwords, I went to my Aunt and Uncles house. There we played the dictionary game. The word I picked for the others to define was Qua-hog. Any guesses? (no looking it up)
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Sioux Center fire
Yesterday, an ethanol truck was loading it on the train and it exploded. My dad was in town and
said that you could see the flames from a long ways off. They had to evacuate lots of buildings close by including the mall. Apparently there the train car by it was filled w/ some stuff and they were afraid it was going to blow too. I go a picture of the train car today. The orange is from the flame. You can see were the truck that was holding the ethanol was. The ends are still there but the middle is gone. As far as I've heard, no one was killed. It might be in the news over there too.
I started violin lessons today. I really like my teacher (Jennifer). She is really nice and she also teaches viola. She has a small son and is expecting. I think I'll like her a lot.
I promised picture of me in that one dress so here is one. I also liked this picture so I'm putting it in. 
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