Today, I switched out of Algebra II. That's what I would have been in Memorial. But here, it was all stuff I'd done before. So, I went back to Geometry which I took last year. EXCEPT... this Geometry is more like Trig. So. Actually, I really like the class and teacher. but that meant I had to take Chemistry 9th instead of 8th. But that's ok. I like that class better.
Today in Chemistry my teacher was saying that when describing candles, we shouldn't use 'wax.' It could be made out of mothballs or other weird sounding things. The then set a candle on fire and ate it. It was a potato and almond. Cool.
For the first 4 periods and part of 5th, we took a test that is supposed to show our
aptitude.Everybody here is really nice. People (mainly girls) wil. come up to me and ask me how it's going, how I like the school, if I want to sit w/ them, etc. I don't know most of them. At lunch, if they see someone sitting alone, everyone at a table will get up and move to that person. I've seen that happen twice.
It's really cute how our cats follow us to the bus stop. The picture is of me on the swing goofing off. That is were I also sometimes wait for the bus. One bad thing is that the water here is terrible, especially in the school. At home we have to have a filter and it still tastes gross. I usually drink cool-aid or something from a bottle.
It's really cute how our cats follow us to the bus stop. The picture is of me on the swing goofing off. That is were I also sometimes wait for the bus. One bad thing is that the water here is terrible, especially in the school. At home we have to have a filter and it still tastes gross. I usually drink cool-aid or something from a bottle.
AHHHH! I MISS YOU SO MUCH! School just won't be the same with you not there. So come back and visit soon (we have Newsies!) and we'll have tons of fun. If that doesn't work, we'll see eachother and have a blast in EUROPE NEXT SUMMER!!! YAYAYAY!
your school sounds like it is nice. if people sit alone at memorial, they are left alone. my 6th grade science teacher did that thing with the potato and almond too. everyone thought it was gross.
See, it got better! The people there seem really nice. If I ever see an entire table get up to sit with a lonely person at Memorial, I will shirt. Still miss you though, school will be strange, especially orchestra.
i'm glad you like school! i am sad that it is starting here. YOU'RE WEARING YOUR AP EURO SHIRT!!! yay. i really really miss you and can't wait for you to come back for a visit!
Yes Im wearing the shirt. I was wondering if anybody would notice that. I CAN'T WAIT FOR NEXT SUMMER!!!! Euope, her I come!
wow, i guess i am really observant. i didn't notice your shirt :)
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