One guy in my computer app. class once was poking my shoe. For no reason. And today, SC was playing MOC (our rivals apparently who wear purple). Because I was wearing my Memorial Old Abes shirt, he started hitting me over the head with a rolled up piece of paper.
Today in Art, some guy in front of me started hitting me over the head with a ruler! What is up with froshies and hitting me over the head?!
Like I said, don't get me wrong. There are some really nice people down here. Some of the guys will hold open doors for you or let you go in front of them. But hitting a girl you don't know over the head? No one in Memorial would have done that to me. From
On a different note, I think my sister is slightly color blind. She thought my black bandanna was blue. She says that sometimes red seems orange so here blue/yellow things might be messed up. Random picture of my sister being spider-woman. Ooh! In art, I met a girl who'd also lived in WI (I forget were). She also agrees that the water here is disgusting. I mainly drink bottled water now.
thats so mean! purple is the BEST. memorial also has a football game tonight, i have to play at it for band. oh well, at least its warm
eau claire water is the best. even other places in WI i can't stand the water.
the froshies sound...interesting. youre right about the hitting over the head thing, but the guys here wouldn't open the door for you either, so its a win-loose situation.
Those evil froshies! Haha. It is kinda funny, though. How are your classes? Which one is you favorite? So far mine are German and AP Lang and Comp.
that is really mean!!! i wish i was there to beat up those freshmen for you!! i would do it too! miss you lots
Thank you. Paula, next time I get hit, you'll have to come down and help me. Purple is the best. Down here the weather is cold and rainy.
Personally, i really don't like purple, but that's just me. Next time they hit you, get a good description of them. I'm friends with pretty much all the freshmen guys. I could try and talk some sense into them. I agree, they're all pretty much jerks. remember, i'll TRY.
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