Monday, December 17, 2007

Chapter 2

Becka Butterfly
Or, A Hint of a Quest

Mitch walked despondently down the path. He had no home, no friends, no purpose. A lonesome call rang overhead, a piercing screech. Through the leafy foliage he could just make out a jay hawk circling overhead. As he watched, the lazy swoop turned into a sharp dive, murder glinting in its eyes.

He threw himself to the ground as the streak passed him and dive bombed into a bush behind him. His pounding heart slowed than quickened again when a frightened “EEP” reached his ears. Pivoting, his searching eyes found a defenseless hare fighting for her life. Without thinking, Mitch grabbed a short branch lying next to him and whapped the killer bird. Stunned, it reeled away into the sky.

Silence reigned in the forest once again, when suddenly a beautiful blue butterfly popped into existence in a flash of blue. Flitting, it landed on Mitch’s finger. He brought it up to his face, and was enchanted by her intelligent eyes. “Mitchel. You have acted selflessly in defense of Bunny Beth from the evil Count Jamie Jay Hawk. I have searched high and low for someone like you to come to my aid. You will rescue Sarah Princess from the evil dragon Charity Chomper! Continue down this road, and more answers will come to you.” With another flash, she was gone.


Lisabeth said...

Yay! That is awesome! :)

Becka said...

On friday, in school, we have classes for 19 minutes each, then we have a choice for dogeball, boxing (using a wee), pingpong, or going to a movie to see Alvin and the Chipmunks, P.S. I love you, or Nat'l Treasure. I'd rather just stay home, but I'm going to see Nat'l treasure

Lisabeth said...

Fun! You're lucky. We have normal classes...ugh. We get to bring in food and watch a movie in German, though. We'll probably watch a lot of movies though.

P said...

you're lucky!! we had a test i anatomy (the fire drill went off in the middle of it), and ancient evil history test, and math packets. we watched the polar express in german though and we got to eat food. Merry Christmas!!! (we're in Michigan now!!!yay)

P said...

merry christmas!! have a great day!!