Wednesday, May 14, 2008

8 and 1/2 Days of School left!

So, softbal has started. My first game is next week monday. Today we had a scrimage. I got on base and ran to second. The catcher threw the ball, I was about 10 ft from 2nd base. The second baseman laid her glove right before the base, so if I slid, I would run right into in and be out. So I staid up and went over her and touched second base. She never touched me. Coach called me out because I ddin't slide! I would have been out if I did and this way I was safe! That call bugged me so much!!!!
Playing softball, I have decided to not take lessons (violin/viola/cello) until softball is over. I don't have time to. I do have a picture of my cello in my case, but I am on the other computer that doesn't have the pictures on. I also got my artwork back and I have a really nice picture of some tigers that I will have to take a picture and post it on.


Becka said...

today is the seniors last day! the end is nearing!!!!!!!!!

P said...

lucky!! we end on june 8th i think..maybe the 7th or the 9th

Lisabeth said...

Yay softball! I've been sick for three days!!! It sucked. But I'm feeling much better now. I got my violin! I put a pic on my blog.

Itchellmeh said...


Megan said...

actually we end on the 5th, but thats still a long ways off. good luck on your game!!!

Lisabeth said...

I can't wait til summer!!

Itchellmeh said...

did you win any of your games?

P said...

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH i applied for a job at the library today!!! i am really excited and scared!!!!

Becka said...

We lost our game 8-6 but we did better than varsity who lost 5-0. I have TONS of pictures that I need to put on, but w/ softball I don't have time!!!!!!!! I'm glad you got your violin and are feeling better. I hope you get the job! I think it would be so fun to work there.

Becka said...

In practice yesterday, coach belted me in the stomach with the pitching machine. It hurt. Today's game is agains Okoboji.

P said...

i had my interview at the library last night and i think i got the job but i'm not really sure

Megan said...

YAY i hope you got the job, Paula!! how fast do the balls come out of the machine? do you have a bruise?

Lisabeth said...

Good luck at your game! I wish we were there to see you play! We miss you.

Charity said...

I haven't commented on this post, and I feel I must. There. Mission accomplished.

P said...

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH i got the job!! i am really nervous by erin or hannah or kara will be training me so it won't be that bad!!