Tuesday, July 8, 2008


So i am in Germany and the keyboard is all messed up. The z and the y are switched. Last night we came in at about 2:50. We didnt (sorry, no apostrophy) leave until 4. The group from Tennesse (that wasnt even supposed to be with us missed their flight. So our walking tour was pushed from lastnight to this morning. We had to run through the Chicago airport because we were running late, but we made it! Sleeping on the plane was verz uncomfortble.
Our wake up call was at 6:30, but like freaks, we were up at 5:30 so at 6:15 we were down readz for breakfast. The beds were amaying and we had a shower!
Tell zou ALL about it later!


Unknown said...

crazy!! Well, I'm glad you made it out of walmart. Have fun. be good :)

Loren&Jolene said...


Those plane flights do get long. Look at the bright side. Now you get lots of train and bus rides. Soo fun.
Are you keeping a journal?


Sarah said...
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Sarah said...

Pictures! Where are the pictures!

Sarah said...

Thats cool about the keyboards though.
Oh, and be good too.

Charity said...

What did I tell you? Think of us only enough to buy us gifts!