Wednesday, July 16, 2008


So, I am in Germanz again (Heidleburg). I loved Austria and Swityerland. Italz was ok. Sarah, no pics because I can't load mz pictures onto the hotel computers. I have gotten zou all gifts (except one, which I will soon get). This is the first free computer since our first hotel. The Tennessee people left us this morning at 5 (Zehaw!) We will be leaving for Paris at 8:15. I will soon be home. I miss all z'all (but not too much) and have sent some post cards.


Becka said...

Oh, part of the reason I loved Swityerland was the free bathrooms.

Charity said...

Isn't it fun that you have to pay? There's a trick to using pay toilets: one person pays, than the next person goes in before the door shuts. We did that at the Louvre.

Charity said...

I must say again. I love how you completely ignore the keyboard and leave it to us to interpret the words with either a 'y' or a 'z' in them.

Loren&Jolene said...

I'm pulling some of the pix off the web site and posting them on my site. That way a few of your pix are being posted.
Of course, only a few on the site have your pix, and half those have a camera in front of your face. Camera shy?
Looks like you're having a ton of fun. I like your "Italia" jacket.
- Dad

Sarah said...

xounds like fun!

P said...

hey i miss you already!! did you make it home ok?

Megan said...

YAY!!!! so what was your favorite part?

Lisabeth said...

Are you really jet-lagged? I slept until 10:30 on Saturday! I have been getting about 10 or more hours of sleep every night so far since I've been back.
Miss you tons! We'll have to come visit before summer's over.