Monday, September 22, 2008

Venice Italy!!!

Hey! So in Jr. NICYO, we are playing Farondole (Bizet). But of course, our version is arranged, so it is different, easier. I hate it. I would rather play the real thing. Yesterday, I had a Sr. RCYF (teenager church group) grill out. I played with our group leader's little girl.
Part of our actual deck in our hotel in Italy. Our rooms were on the roof. Our "deck" was the roof of the hotel. The view was amazing (see previous post). Elisabeth and I shared a room and Paula and Hannah shared a room connected to ours. But of course, by the second night, everybody but me had dragged their mattress onto the deck. I slept with the window and door open. A sail boat on the water that we had to cross to get to Venice.
Paula and Hannah on our boat. Cool buildings of Venice seen by the boat. A canal. The really cool statue were we started our whisper headset tour. The courtyard of the palace. The really cool staircase with statues on top!
Going up the golden "ambassador's" staircase.
I remember this... I had to change both my camera battery and my memory chip.
Notice the golden glow of the stair case in the back ground. I unfortunately do not have any more pictures of the inside of this palace because we could not take any pictures in the rest of it. We did go to the dungeon though, it was actually fairly well light.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Innsbruck to arrival in Italy!

Did I tell you I am now a gymnastics coach? I think I have. One of the kids asked me if I had any kids. When I said no, she said that I should have some. How would you respond? Tonight was '50's night at church. So I handed out handfuls of chips this year. After the Italian Dinner, I always try not to get the serving job. Last year I think I served though. Hannah stuck under her seat. On the bus ride to Austria. More pretty scenery.
Hanna and I in Innsbruck Austria. We stopped there briefly for quick sight seeing, shopping, and going in Swarovski. Pretty designs on the building.
Paula, Elisabeth, me, and Hannah in a tree in a park.
My favorite living statue! Amazing crystals at Swarovski. A church that Hanna and I stopped at. Leaving Innsbruck, we are heading to Italy. We took a brief stop at a McDonald's, were you had to tip to use the bathrooms. Italy has very pretty scenery. Lots of mountains and vineyards.
The view off or hotel in Italy.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Munich to Dachou and back to Munich

In Drawing II, we are doing either space scenes or underwater scenes with hog markers. To all the city kids out there, hog markers are very messy, bigger versions of oil pastels (sort of). In case you didn't figure it out, they are used to mark livestock. I am going to do a sea scene with an octopus, shark, seahorse, and some fishies. In Mexican History, we are going to use clay to carve our names in hieroglyphics. I hate flies. I hate crickets. James is at a cross country meet. I don't think I've ever mentioned my new schedule. Study Hall, Gym (with a new teacher who actually makes us do stuff), Homeroom, Physics, Calculus, Statistics, Drawing II, Mexican History, and College Prep English. You guys need to come down and ride our ponies! We now have free time in Munich! This is the fish fountain that we had to meet at. This is the really cool church/town hall/what ever it was that was by the fountain. The carvings were incredible. Me imitating a statue with Mike's sword. A really cool statue of a knight spearing something. Really cool clock/church. The statue in the middle of the compound at Dachou. A prisoners jacket. A model of the compound before they tore down some of the barracks. Bunks.
More bunks.
A wash station. The crematorium. Arbeit Macht Frei. Paula, Elisabeth, Hannah, and me eating ice cream in a park in Munich after Dachou.
Kim and Elisabeth at the Hard Rock Cafe in Munich.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Even more Munich!

Hmm... What to say. Homecomming is next week. On Friday, the teachers have an inservise of so we have a half day. Since it is homecomming friday, we will have about a class and a half and then go to the pep rally. Today I went to the gymnastics gym. Saturdays are optional for both coaches and students. Since it is the first week of gymnastics, only one kid showed up, so I helped with paper work. Ok, um, this is yet another random cool building from our incredibly boring tour of Munich.
Nymphenburg palace . This is the place with the whole bunch of pictures of the women.
The ball room of Nymphenburg. It was very ornate, bright, and very pretty. Paula and Elisabeth in the ball room. Me sitting outside the palace. Paula with her broken sunglasses.
One last picture of Nymphenburg (I think that's what it is...).
Hannah. That explains it all.

Friday, September 5, 2008

So, about, 1/2 through Munich! (By next year, I should be finished)

So, what have I been doing recently? Um, in Gym we ran the mile. Actually, it wasn't quite a mile. Do you want to now why? So we have a new gym teacher, the football/old softball coach. He made us run 2 laps for warm up, then 14 laps around the gym instead of the 13 laps. I was dying! On Wednesday, I saw an ad for a gymnastics coach. So I called for more information, not sure if I actually wanted the job. Well, I got it ane it started yesterday! So after school, I quick ran home, took a shower, then delt with little kids until 7:30!
I think this picture is actually on the way to Neuschawstien, but I forgot to add it in with the last bunch.

I think we were goining to our hotel in Munich now.

Elizabeth, on the bus.

This is all of us at the table. Remeber? They fed us Snitzel?

Us all sacked out in our room.

All of the details on the building are painted. Cool!

One of the cities gates.

Some Random Building.

Another Random Building from our bus tour.