Hey! So in Jr. NICYO, we are playing Farondole (Bizet). But of course, our version is arranged, so it is different, easier. I hate it. I would rather play the real thing. Yesterday, I had a Sr. RCYF (teenager church group) grill out. I played with our group leader's little girl.

Part of our actual deck in our hotel in Italy. Our rooms were on the roof. Our "deck" was the roof of the hotel. The view was amazing (see previous post). Elisabeth and I shared a room and Paula and Hannah shared a room connected to ours. But of course, by the second night, everybody but me had dragged their mattress onto the deck. I slept with the window and door open.

A sail boat on the water that we had to cross to get to Venice.

Paula and Hannah on our boat.

Cool buildings of Venice seen by the boat.

A canal.

The really cool statue were we started our whisper headset tour.

The courtyard of the palace.

The really cool staircase with statues on top!

Going up the golden "ambassador's" staircase.

I remember this... I had to change both my camera battery and my memory chip.
Notice the golden glow of the stair case in the back ground. I unfortunately do not have any more pictures of the inside of this palace because we could not take any pictures in the rest of it. We did go to the dungeon though, it was actually fairly well light.
yay more pictures! i miss you. we should plan a get together soon!
yes we should! That would be so much fun! What day(s) works for you? It's kind of to cold to go canoeing now, but maybe not...
love the pictures! i completely agree with paula about getting together soon, but maybe you can come visit us, as it is very difficult to find a weekend were at least one of us don't have anything going on in the next few months.
Blogging is overrated!! So many pictures!
sweet pics! :)
It wouldn't hurt you to blog either, itchelmeh!
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