Hmm... What to say. Homecomming is next week. On Friday, the teachers have an inservise of so we have a half day. Since it is homecomming friday, we will have about a class and a half and then go to the pep rally. Today I went to the gymnastics gym. Saturdays are optional for both coaches and students. Since it is the first week of gymnastics, only one kid showed up, so I helped with paper work.
Ok, um, this is yet another random cool building from our incredibly boring tour of Munich.
Nymphenburg palace . This is the place with the whole bunch of pictures of the women.
The ball room of Nymphenburg. It was very ornate, bright, and very pretty.
Paula and Elisabeth in the ball room.
Me sitting outside the palace.
Paula with her broken sunglasses. 
One last picture of Nymphenburg (I think that's what it is...).
Hannah. That explains it all.
is that sunscreen war paint on hannah's face in that last picture?
yes. it is.
Yay more pictures!
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