Thursday, July 19, 2007

4th of July Belated

Since our computer is broken, I haven't had time to tell you all about my 4th. I'm babysitting and the kids are still asleep.
The 4th of July at our house is full of tradition. In Iowa it is illegal to shoot of a type of firework, I think the air kind. But in near by South Dakota, it isn't. So we always get illegal fireworks. Then, we have a fire were kids roast marshmallows and get unbelievably sticky.
Then there is the timeless tradition of people almost getting killed. This year, my dad had a box of fireworks that shoots up. He accidentally put it upside down. They went everywhere. My grandma was still muttering about the firework that went under her chair days latter.
The next day, the last of my cousins from Michigan left.
On a different note, 2 days ago, I saw the HP movie. It was way better than the book and by far, my favorite movie.


Lisabeth said...

Cool! Your fourth of July sounds really fun! We had fun too. I think I talked about it in an earlier post. I am soo excited to see the Harry Potter movie. I think we are going to it tomorrow! :) I can't wait for the book to come out either. I am rereading them all. I am on book #6!
P.S. How is softball going?

P said...

that sounds like a lot of fun. i wish we could have been there and almost been killed by exploding fireworks. haha. well i hope you can come back here soon!!

Hanna said...

Your fireworks sound much more fun the mine were! I also saw the 5 HP movie and while it was better then the other MOVIES it was in no way better then the book. NOTHING can beat the books. I am going to the midnight relase tomorrow for the 7th book! yay! i am also rereding, but only on the 4th...

Becka said...

We are all done w/ softball!!! Yea!!! But for comming up to Wisconsin, my sister works, I don't know the way up by my self, and it's a long trip for 1. I'll try to still work something. Wish you were here 2. I didn't like how HP was whiney in the 5th book. I like how the movie did it and cut out the boring/nonessential (in my mind). *don't read if not seen* I did miss that they didn't do the portable swamp.

Lisabeth said...

Yay! I think we're going to go and see it tonight! :)