Thursday, July 26, 2007

Summer draws to a close!!!!!!

I finished the HP book days ago (actually,the day I got the book from my sister, I started it at about 10 am. I finished it at around 8 pm), but I've just been busy.
I helped my dad take down a tent in Viborg. Don't ask me where it is and expect an answer except that it's in SD near Sioux Falls. There they had Danish Days. (That's like October Fest, except that theirs not enough Germans to justify calling it that) They had a building that they could of used, except that it wasn't the same as having it in a tent! It was actually kind of fun learning how to take it down except that it was was very hot. It was by the fire station and they had a fire truck that looked like a brand new old truck. It had a sign on it saying, "Thanks to your support, We Still Make House Calls!" I thought that was funny.
I don't think that I can make a trip up to WI b/c school is very close, and my sister, who I'd planned on taking the trip w/, is working. So maybe during the school year. If our vacations don't match up, I can come w/ you and sit in on your classes.


P said...

i hope ou can come up during the school year, let us know when your vacations are so we can get that worked out. how did you like harry potter? i really liked it.only i didn't really like the epilogue. miss you lots

Becka said...

I liked the book. I liked Snapes memories. I felt very sorry for him. I liked that he named his kid after him (Snape) and that he died.

Lisabeth said...

I liked Snape's memories, too. That was probably my favorite chapter in that book! :) That and the battle at Hogwarts!