Well, maybe not. It was in the sun at least. 1st off, I had to go to the college to try out for the Youth Orchestra. My D string didn't like me for tuning. The people who told me which scales to play were wrong. They told me to play the violin scales. I hadn't practiced those. My solo went ok though. Same w/ sight reading. That was really easy because most of the kid in there will probably be a lot younger than me. I think I impressed the person.
Then I went home, changed, then went to my uncle Ross's. He's building a place for cattle. My dad was helping him dig holes for fence poles. I helped. Then I got home, ate, then I mowed the lawn. My mom had started w/ the push mower. Since the side of the lawn we were mowing is really really big (huge), doing it w/ a push mower is a pain. So I got my dad to wire on the muffler (remember Sarah broke it) so I could do it w/ the riding one. Then, when I was almost done, Sarah came home from work and mowed the rest for me.
On Friday, when I picked up Charity, I watched the 'Battle of the Classes.' It was a slime fest. Well actually, they had a big horse trough that they had to fill w/ slime. So they ran to the middle were there were 3 trough's for each grade, filled up there cups, then ran back. They could only use kids sand buckets that had holes in the bottom. Sophomores won and Freshmen came in second. Since my sister is a freshmen, I didn't stay for the rest.
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that sounds like fun. i am glad you are having fun at school. let me know if you make the orchestra. i bet you will. i miss you like crazy!! talk to you soon
hey i just got done mowing the lawn! that's werid. it's good that your solo went well. i'm sure you'll get in. :D
I hope you get into the orchestra! I'm also glad that school is going okay for you. I hope we can see you very soon! Miss you,
I wont say that it's entirly Ok... It's not Memorial. I have a feeling I'll get in, b/c, they probably need more viola's. Hope to see you'll soon.
Iowa doesn't sound too horrible! i hope you get into orchestra. i miss you buckets
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