Thursday, September 27, 2007


This week, we had ITED's (Iowa Test of Something). So we sat in really uncomfortable chairs in the auditorium. It went from 8:15 to 2. It was kind of like the ACT tests.
Has anyone noticed a trend? So far, my school hasn't had a week were there was no interruptions. I think in a month or two, there will be one full week!!! (Gasp)
Today in Gym, we ran the mile for 'practice.' Gym was first hour. My legs still feel like jelly. There is a mural by the gym. On it is a violin. It bugs me every time I see it. It is disproportional, it has no chin rest, the end of the violin is missing parts, and the bow doesn't have a frog. It doesn't look like a bow. Like I said, it bugs me.
Ooooh, my favorite author (Terry Pratchett, a satirical master) came out with a new book and I just finished it! Yeah!!!


Charity said...

Isn't it ITBS? Iowa Test of Basic Skills? Also, I have never seen any stringed instrument with a green amphibian attached.

Charity said...

I looked it up. It's Iowa Test of Educational Development, which is put out by the same company that does the ITBS.

Megan said...

we miss you too. did everyone in your school have to take the test? sophmore testing is in a few weeks..and we get to sleep in!

hey what are the dates you have the full week off? is it possible to come and visit us?

Hanna said...

i agree with Megan! come visit us! the euro trip is to far away to see you again. Athena signed up for the trip too!

P said...

I MISS YOU!!! you should come visit. or we should road trip down there. it would be fun. i'm getting my license soon! i'm not telling you when in case i fail!

Lisabeth said...

Come soooooon! We miss you sooooo much! It is almost unbearable.

And I don't know how much longer I can go w/out my Newsies! (JK) I can't wait to see you whenever, so come and visit or let us know when we can come!

Becka said...

It's not that we have a full week off, it's that we have a full week of school (for the first time). Everyone except the seniors had to take it. I was so looking forward to sleeping in this year! I am perfectly fine with you taking a road trip down here! it's harder for me to take a 6 hour drive alone:(

Megan said...

yay i geuss ur right. hey (elisabeth, paula, hannah) what are u guys doing over teachers convention?

P said...

running a mile sucks. we heard we had to do it yesterday in tennis because some girls left trash on the bus they took to the lacrosse match. (i didn't go to that one cuz i was sick) luckily elisabeth and i had a drivetime so we weren't at that practice!!:)

Itchellmeh said...

we do itbs, but i'm not sure

Hanna said...

i am going to my cabin over teachers convention :( so unless we can book it down there on thursday and be back friday morning.....