Most of these pictures I took while in the car. Sometimes I stopped, sometimes I was still driving. You can see parts of the car
in the pictures.
in the pictures.
Random typing while waiting for my pictures to load... The long barn is about 350-400 yards. It holds cows. It used to be my Gramdpa and Gramdma Hooyer's farm. So my dad grew up there. They sold it to their oldest son (my uncle Paul). It
once collapsed when my dad was young because of a whole bunch of snow on it. All done. Can quit ranting now!
YAY! pictures! finally we get to see where you live! it looks rainy..or at least not bright and sunny. i find the whole library thing funny...did the people get in trouble....wait books are flamable, where did all the new books come from! :O
me and dad saw you, we wondered what you were doing by the long building. now the infamous mystery is solved!
I love pictures! Your house looks really cool! :) I want to come and see it. ROADTRIP! C'mon Megan, Hanna, you guys have your licenses, we'll make a weekend trip of it or something. You can take turns driving!
It rained this morning so it was kind of overcast. I'll put pictures that I left off on a later post. Some of the books were saved by the fire department, some were donated, some were bought. Yes, I also took a picture of Patches. I fully support a road trip. Do not worry, there is room for everybody.
yeah that is why i was wondering what people were doing over teacher's convention.
i have a van and my restrictions off, so i could...if my parents agree. oh and if i ask off...wait i didn't ask off for teachers convention darn. maybe we can just leave like early on a friday, say after 5th hour?
that would be a blast! if it works out of course. definitely post more pics! i'd love to see more of your kittens and cats, too! not much new is happening in Eau Claire. It is actually pretty boring.
Hey that place looks familiar!
um...wait a sec...
i think your house is so cute!!! it reminds me of the anne of green gables house only smaller. your town looks really nice. i can't wait to come and see it!!
megan, we need to plan this road trip!
after oct 24 my restrictions are off, maybe then! i have stuff during teachers convention, but i fully support leaving early another friday. i don't know if my parents would be crazy about me driving to iowa though...but that would be amazing fun!
well u wouldnt be driving the entire way. i would too.
The ships are cute.
If you are actually serious about comming down sometime, anytime works for me. I could even ask one of my sisters (mainly Charity b/c she has the way memorized)to help you plot a way. Or you could just drive west and if you see ocean, you've gone to far:)
I'll try to get more pics of the cats. OOOOHHHHHH, after I posted, I helped my dad drive one of his tractors home. I sat there and he told me what to do and when a car past us, I let him drive. But it was a blast. If you do come down ever, and maybe if the weather/river was nice, we could go river canoing!
yes, we are serious.
so does oct 26-28th work?
i would have to find out soon because i have to ask off.
so can everyone start persuading their parents because we need to plan this. :P
YAY!!! i think it could possibly work for us to come down then. we might have the tennis banquet but i was sort of hoping for an excuse to get out of it!!!! AYAYAYAYAYYAYAYYAYAYYAYYAY!!!
wait, we have a drivetime on the 27, but we will probably be able to reschedule it.
umm yeah my parents are not crazy about the whole driving down alone thing. my mom said that maybe if we could meet somewhere halfway, but i haven't talked to my dad yet and i know he will say no. sorry to crash the party. my mom said if someones parent went with she would let me go the whole way...
What ever works for you! I'll have to ask my parent (But they've said many times that it would be great if you came. (I'm fairly certain that we could meet 1/2 way if you'd want to). Again, I'd have to ask my parents (or my sister-she knows the way)
hanna, would you feel completely and utterly left out if we still went?
that is if things don't work out.
also the parent thing.
my mom can't
hanna could yours or paula/elisabeth could yours?
rebecca is there a place to stay in your town for a parent. if so how much is it? maybe all of us could chip in for a room so that all of us can go.
if this doesn't work out, my mom just doesnt want us driving in the winter, but she said the spring is fine too.
I don't know if my parents would be able to come...I'd have to check. What about yours, Hanna? Meeting halfway is a good idea if that would make parents more comfortable.
well how about every one checks with their parents, if that doesn't work, there is always the possibility of meeting half way.
hanna, what do your parents meen by half way. what is their definition?
If you do want to meet halfway, it would depend on which route you take. If you take they way we always went, Austin would be a good place to meet. If you go through the Twin Cities, Rochester is a good place. It would probably be Becky and I who would take you the rest of the way.
If you do come, I can give you very detailed directions on the best way to go.
so would meeting half way work then?
that is if we find a parent willing to drive us the first half on fri and the second half on sun.
no matter what im asking off...just so you all know. :D
wow i think i have posted more than any of you
that either really sad or really awsome!
actually its because i dont work today so i have time...obviously :P
That sounds very possible! We'll have to talk about it more at school, though. Let me know what works best and if anyone has a parent that would want to go.
ok so here it is:
1. after 5th hour we (lisabeth, paula, hanna and i) would drive to my house.
2. my mom will get home shortly after that and drive us to Austin or Rochester
3.we will meet rabecca and charity there at a given place and time
4.we will drive the rest of the way to beccas
5.stay over night, watch movies and have an awsome time
6. Sunday: charity(or other) and us drive to Austin or Rochester :(
7. meet a parent (lisbeth/paula's dad probably) at a given time and place
8. drive back to ec with said parent
does this work? please comment.
that sounds good! i just need to reschedule that drivetime...
we'll talk to our dad and make sure. hanna, you talk to your parents too so we can get someone to pick us up halfway home.
did i mention that i am SUPER EXCITED?!?!?
Good news, my dad said that he could take us home if we need him to! Hey, and Becka called me! :) Yay! I can't wait until that weekend!
my mom said that would work! yay! i just need to check with my dad. i will be very persuasive. i think it will be fine.
Yeah!!! You all are comming!!! Tell me when you are leaving (What time b/c me and Charity will have to leave about the same time.
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