Friday, September 5, 2008

So, about, 1/2 through Munich! (By next year, I should be finished)

So, what have I been doing recently? Um, in Gym we ran the mile. Actually, it wasn't quite a mile. Do you want to now why? So we have a new gym teacher, the football/old softball coach. He made us run 2 laps for warm up, then 14 laps around the gym instead of the 13 laps. I was dying! On Wednesday, I saw an ad for a gymnastics coach. So I called for more information, not sure if I actually wanted the job. Well, I got it ane it started yesterday! So after school, I quick ran home, took a shower, then delt with little kids until 7:30!
I think this picture is actually on the way to Neuschawstien, but I forgot to add it in with the last bunch.

I think we were goining to our hotel in Munich now.

Elizabeth, on the bus.

This is all of us at the table. Remeber? They fed us Snitzel?

Us all sacked out in our room.

All of the details on the building are painted. Cool!

One of the cities gates.

Some Random Building.

Another Random Building from our bus tour.


Charity said...

Sweet pictures!

Becka said...

thank you. Thank you very much

P said...

cool. i still haven't put up pictures.